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Wrapped Trees

For my next venture, I wanted to try to make a wrapped tree and paint it, following the style that my friend Linette (Penney Lane Studios) had introduced to me.

I must admit this tree took a long time, longer than I had thought, but I pushed through. I also included the idea of having a cabochon in the open void in the trunk.

I found a lovely pick cabochon, that shows a vein like pattern when the light shines through it.

Oh! I did say I liked colours, didn’t I? So I painted the leaves in multiple colours of metallic paint. The main trunk I used metallic silver and then to pull the leaves and roots together I dabbed the trunk with the different metallic paints that I used on the individual leaves.

Here are the roots and a picture of the finished tree. It hangs in pride of place in our home office. (Sorry not for sale!)

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