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Water Tree

One day as I was browsing through some photos of real trees, I came upon this picture of a tree.

It really spoke to my heart, why? To me, it represented life coming from death. So I decided to have a go at my interpretation of the tree. Much harder than I thought.

Firstly, I had to tackle how to make an open tree trunk with a through and through. I ended up wiring individual pieces of heavy duty wire together in a circular fashion, allowing me to create a holes front and back. I then wrapped the tree and started to paint it. However, my lack of painting skills meant that it came out a horrible brown camouflaged look. I really didn’t like it. So I started again with the paint.

Colours, I love colours, REALLY! My husband Malcolm calls me a magpie! So I threw away the idea of having tree like colours and went for something bright. Job done! I’ll show you the pictures in a moment.

Next I thought of ways in which I could get water running through the tree. I thought of building a reservoir and using a small pump. I discarded this as I realised the water would eventually ruin the tree, unless it was fully contained. So instead I used silver and blue wire and wove the blue wire between the silver strands, to represent a meandering river that twisted and turned. I wanted to highlight the river area and so I added a set of warm LED lights.

Finally, more colour, red and green moss, just to be different, lol!

So here are the pictures of the finished tree. Much happier with the outcome this time! Try, try, and try again!

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