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And Now

So here we are, we’re in lockdown. Although it doesn’t disturb us too much as we work from home and our work is mostly over the internet anyway! However, it did increase the amount of time we had at home and all our travelling stopped. Yeehah, more time to put my head into trees.

I had ideas for butterfly trees, more willow trees, framed trees, and wicker heart trees, all sorts, but which ones first? I made a plan of the ones I wanted to make first and so I tried another willow tree. This time in pink. Every time we went out to a shop, I’d have my eyes peeled to see what I could use to enhance the trees. (Glad B&M stayed open, during the lockdown). I found some round mirrors, which you can see here. They reflect the beauty of the tree below and I tried a different root system. I was getting bolder, just a wee (that means little for you non scots!) bit at a time.

So this one is called Willow Tree – Pink with mirror and is on sale in the shop.

I had one more idea for a willow tree. I had seen beautiful silver lined multi-coloured (Did I say I like colours?) seed beads and I had also seen the LED lights that Linette had given us at the workshop. So the combination began, following the patterns of the ones I had already made. Lo and behold I had a third willow tree with lights, WooHoo!

Again this is for sale in my shop, called Willow Tree – Mixed crystal with lights.

This was the end of my willow trees for the moment, time to try something different! But what? Catch up next time!

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